Participant Fee Disclosure Reminder

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

This is a reminder that participant fee disclosures are required to be distributed to participants of participant directed retirement plans annually. A participant fee disclosure reflects potential fees participants may incur in the retirement plan. The annual timing is defined as within 14 months of when the prior notice was distributed.

There are two participant fee disclosures applicable to your plan - one from Administrative Retirement Services, Inc. (ARS) and one from your investment company. Each year ARS sends the participant fee disclosure to your company contact in December within the Year End Package. The company contact should distribute it to all plan participants. The investment company your plan's assets are with may provide their participant fee disclosure in different ways: it may be posted to their website, it may be sent to you, or it may be sent to plan participants. Please contact your plan's investment company if you need to confirm their process.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your ARS Plan Administrator.